The Best Date You’ve Ever really
These little nuggets of sunshine are INCREDIBLE! I make them as a midday pick me up when I have guests coming over the last minute and I need to make something nice to nibble on while we chat or when I have events. Mainly to give away as gifts (usually alongside my energy/Ojas balls, which I will be sharing with you soon!) I absolutely love giving away homemade gifts and you can make these dates in so many different ways. The best part is you can infuse them with all your LOVE too! When I first discovered these, I pretty much ate them every day. After a while, I got SO SICK of dates that we needed to take a break to appreciate each other again. Now we have a more stable, healthy relationship and I make them every time I fancy a lil sweet treat 😂
Make a careful incision in one side, pop the pit out
Stuff with almond butter (or filling of choice) using a little spoon or your fingers
Coat with melted chocolate if you're really treating yoself!
♡ Say a little prayer, do a little dance, sprinkle a little love, and serve with happiness ❤️