Roasted Red Pepper & Tahini Tagletelli
So this dish is pretty self explanatory, its creamy rich, and a realllly nice change from a tomato based pasta..perfect for your comfort food cravings :)
Heat oven to 450F. Coat peppers in oil and pierce them with a knife
Roast red peppers on a baking sheet until charred - about 25-30 minutes.
Once ready, remove from oven and wait till it cools down enough to remove (peel away) charred skin, seeds and stems
Add the peppers and all the remaining ingredients except the bay leaves to a high speed blender and blend till silky smooth
If you are using any veggies now is the time to saute them in a pan then add in the sauce and cook for 10 minutes. If not, pour the sauce into a pan and cook on low heat with the bay leaves for about 10 minutes
Meanwhile, Cook your pasta as per the instructions on the pasta you are using
Drain your pasta, toss in oil and mix in your sauce.
Garnish with chopped fresh parsley to garnish.
♡ Sprinkle some lurve, say a little prayer & serve with gratitude ❤️